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Get Creative with Garden Pathways

Date: 26-01-2023


How to: Get Creative with Garden Pathways 

Get the Guide: Get Creative with Garden Pathways

A garden path presents an enticing invitation to backyard visitors, or a convenient route for plant maintenance. Whatever its use, a well-designed and well-built path will enhance the livability and functionality of any home garden.

Here are some materials and ideas to consider:


Crushed Rock or Gravel

There are many pros for crushed rock or gravel: It's inexpensive; has good drainage; is low-maintenance; won't disrupt plants' roots, and can stand up to fairly heavy traffic.

Expert tip: Use small, angular stones instead of rounded pebbles. They lock together for a more stable walking surface. 



Stones and Mulch: A Good Blend

Stones and mulch can be used together to create structure and build organic matter in your backyard. Mulch is beneficial in many ways in the garden, but the con of mulch is that it breaks down and needs yearly replenishing. When stones are placed in high traffic areas, the mulch lasts longer and you get all the benefits of using it.



Create Contrast

To make your plants and water features pop, consider creating a pathway with a variety of shapes, sizes and colours. At Stone & Water World, our glacier pebble is a very popular choice to create dramatic contrast. It's a stunning white quartz sourced from the South Island, and when paired with large paving stones or our high polished black pebble, it's a true showstopper.



Personalise your Path

Add personal touches with handmade stepping-stones to add beauty and colour to your garden path. Mosaic patterns may be more slippery than rough stone, though, especially when wet - so consider using them in areas of low traffic.



Stepping-Stone Paths

Stepping-stones are the fastest, easiest way to build a path, and another one of our favourite walkway ideas. There’s very little digging involved, and although the stone is heavy, a little goes a long way.

Since there’s distance between the stones, you
don’t have to worry about levelling them with one another. Stepping-stone paths also cost less because you’ll cover more distance with less stone.

At Stone & Water World, we have a wide range of ethically and sustainably sourced paving stones from New Zealand and the around the world. Natural schist pavers and granite stepping stones are popular choices.


Download the Guide:
Get Creative with Garden Pathways


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