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How to: Maintain your Water Feature

AlgaeFix in natural background


Water Feature Maintenance

Get the Guide: Water Feature Maintenance

Maintaining your water feature is easy with the right steps. Here are the main points to remember to give your water feature its best life.


Run the pump 24/7.

The more water flow/movement there is, the cleaner your feature will stay. 


Top up the water once or twice a week.

Depending on how much sun and wind your feature gets, top up the water in the reservoir (pond) regularly.


Add a water treatment occasionally.

Use a water treatment like AlgaeFix to prevent the water in your feature from going green. (AlgaeFix only works when the pump is running). We have a range of pond and water treatments to help you keep your feature clean.


Check the sponge in your pump once a month.

Check the sponge once a month to see if it needs cleaning. A blocked sponge will reduce water flow and damage the pump if not cleaned regularly.


Every 4-6 months you will need to do a complete clean-out of your water feature.

Scrub the feature, change out all the water, take the pump apart and clean. For more on cleaning and maintaining your feature pumps, check out our Filter Maintenance Guide.

DO NOT use bleach or chlorine to treat your water feature. This will damage your pump and water feature.


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