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Water Lilies and Lotus: Enhancing Your Water Garden

Water Lily Flower


Water Lilies and Lotus: The Ultimate Guide for Your Water Garden

In this post we delve into the enchanting world of water lilies and lotus plants, exploring their distinct varieties and providing in-depth care tips to help you cultivate a thriving, serene water garden.  

Water lilies and lotus plants, steeped in rich history and symbolism, are more than just enchanting additions to your garden. Revered in ancient cultures, water lilies symbolise tranquillity in Egyptian and Asian traditions, while the lotus represents purity and spiritual awakening in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs. These plants not only adapt well to New Zealand's diverse climates, providing habitat and improving water quality but also bring a serene beauty to any garden with their vibrant blooms and lush foliage. Their low maintenance and ecological benefits make them ideal for adding a touch of history and natural elegance to New Zealand gardens.



Hardy Water Lilies (Nymphaea): Ideal for New Zealand Gardens


The Hardy water lily is an ideal choice for gardeners across New Zealand, known for its adaptability and ease of care. These plants are distinguished by their round, floating green leaves and blooms that present in soft pastel colours. The flowers, gracefully sitting on the water's surface, feature rounded petals arranged in multiple layers.


Optimal Conditions and Care:

  • Sunlight: They require full sun, ideally 6 hours of direct sunlight daily.
  • Water: Best in calm, still waters, away from strong currents.
  • Soil: Plant in heavy loam soil, avoiding potting mixes that float.
  • Potting: Use wide, shallow pots or baskets, ensuring the crown is just above the soil surface.
  • Depth: Start with the leaves on the surface, gradually deepening to 30-60 cm.
  • Division: Divide every few years in spring to maintain health and encourage growth.
  • Fertilser: Monthly fertilisation with a slow-release aquatic fertiliser is crucial for promoting growth and flowering.



Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera): A Symbol of Elegance and Purity


Nelumbo Nucifera, commonly known as the Lotus, is a perennial that enchants with its large, upward-cupping leaves and scented flowers. Revered for over 30,000 years, the Lotus is celebrated for its ornamental beauty, medicinal properties, and symbolic significance.


Light, Temperature, and Care:

  • Sunlight: Full sun is essential, though partial shade can be tolerated in hot climates.
  • Soil: Prefer heavy clay soil; avoid compost or potting soil.
  • Water Depth: Initially plant in shallow water, then increase to up to 60 cm as the plant matures.
  • Repotting: Every 2-3 years for health and vigor.
  • Winter Care: Protect the tuber in colder regions; can remain in ponds in warmer climates.



Tropical Water Lilies (Nymphaea): A Touch of the Tropics


Similar to their Hardy counterparts, Tropical Water Lilies are distinguished by their more vibrant colours and the distinct structure of their flowers and leaves. They add an exotic touch to any water garden.


Growing Conditions and Care:

  • Temperature: They thrive in warmer temperatures, perfect for summer.
  • Sunlight: Full sun is needed for 6-8 hours a day for maximum blooming.
  • Soil: Plant in heavy loam soil.
  • Potting: Use large pots to accommodate bulb growth; anchor well in soil.
  • Depth: Start with a depth of 15-20 cm, increasing to 30-45 cm as the plant grows.
  • Fertilisation: Regular fertilisation with high-quality aquatic plant fertiliser is important for robust growth and blooming.



Wrapping Up Your Water Garden Journey


By selecting the appropriate type of water lily or lotus and providing the right care, you can create a stunning focal point in your water garden. These aquatic plants not only enhance the beauty and tranquillity of your outdoor space but also serve as a reflection of your gardening passion and expertise.


Visit Stone & Water World to explore our wide range of water lilies and lotus plants and to get more tailored advice on cultivating a beautiful and healthy water garden. Let's bring life and serenity to your outdoor haven with these aquatic beauties.


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