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How to: Create a Mediterranean Inspired Garden in New Zealand

Creating a Mediterranean-Inspired Garden in New Zealand

When we think of Mediterranean gardens, we envision sun-soaked terraces, ancient olive trees, and vibrant bougainvillaea climbing rustic stone walls. Here at Stone & Water World, we're captivated by this timeless aesthetic and believe it's possible to bring a touch of the Mediterranean to your backyard, even in New Zealand's temperate maritime climate.


Practical Tips & Considerations

  • Drainage: Enhance drainage for Mediterranean plants by planting in raised beds or incorporating coarse sand and small rocks into your soil.

  • Sunlight: Position sun-loving plants in the brightest parts of your garden, ensuring they are sheltered from strong winds.

  • Mulching: Use pebble mulch to retain moisture and suppress weed growth, which complements the Mediterranean garden style and reduces the need for frequent replenishment.


Understanding New Zealand's Climate

While we lack the characteristic hot, dry summers and cool, damp winters of the Mediterranean region, New Zealand’s consistent rainfall and moderate temperatures can accommodate some Mediterranean plant life with the right planning. Our climate ensures that lush growth is almost guaranteed, making us the envy of gardeners in harsher regions.


Choosing the Right Plants

  • Olive Trees: Emblematic of the Mediterranean, olive trees need well-drained soil and full sun. In New Zealand, choose non-fruiting varieties for a unique aesthetic or grow them in pots to control their size.

  • Lavender and Rosemary: These fragrant herbs are perfect for adding a Mediterranean touch. Thriving in superb drainage and full sunlight, they are ideally suited to New Zealand’s coastal areas with sandy soils.

  • Succulents and Cacti: Aeoniums, aloes, and other succulents bring texture and a desert feel, making them excellent for drought-tolerant landscaping.

  • Bougainvillaea: Known for its vibrant blooms and climbing habit, bougainvillaea needs regular pruning to maintain its shape and control growth.



New Zealand Natives for a Mediterranean Twist:

  • Astelia: Often mistaken for flax, Astelia is a versatile perennial with epiphytic tendencies, perfect for adding structure and greenery.

  • Hebe: This diverse genus offers everything from shrubby to tree-like forms, with flowers ranging from white to deep wine red, ideal for adding colour and form.

  • Native Grasses: Utilise New Zealand’s native grasses and tussocks to fill out your garden. Varieties like Red Tussock and Silver Tussock are low-maintenance and adaptable, fitting well into a Mediterranean-style garden.

Australian Alternatives: Plants like Grevillea and Anigozanthus (kangaroo paw) are more suited to New Zealand’s climate while still echoing a Mediterranean aesthetic.




Incorporating Mediterranean Design Elements


  • Stone Pathways and Walls: Create a structure with pale-coloured stone paths and walls that reflect the sun’s heat while providing a stunning neutral backdrop for your garden. Euro Pavers and Split Paving - Blue and Green Pavers are excellent choices. These pavers, imported from Europe, have subtle hues of blue and green within the stone - reflecting the Mediterranean sea and landscape. 

  • Pots and Planters: The choice of pots in a Mediterranean garden extends beyond mere aesthetics; it directly impacts the health and growth of the plants. Stone & Water World offers an extensive range of pots and urns that embody the durability and decorative appeal suited for Mediterranean-inspired gardens. These come in a wide array of sizes and styles, ensuring there is something to suit any garden design or plant requirement. While traditional terra cotta pots are valued for their moisture-regulating properties, Stone & Water World’s selections are crafted to not only emulate these beneficial qualities but also provide long-lasting resilience in outdoor conditions. Their urns double as striking garden features, combining functionality with artistry to create captivating focal points.

  • Water Features: Introducing a water feature such as a small fountain or basin can transform a garden space into a serene Mediterranean oasis. Stone & Water World’s collection of water features brings the soothing ambience of trickling water that is so characteristic of Mediterranean courtyards, enhancing the tranquillity of your outdoor space. These features are designed not just for their beauty but for their functionality and ease of integration into any garden style. Complementing these with a sundial adds a historical and interactive element, blending utility with decoration and offering a timeless connection to ancient Mediterranean cultures.

  • Statues & Sundials: Statues play a pivotal role in capturing the essence of a Mediterranean garden, serving as both focal points and storytelling elements within the landscape. At Stone & Water World, we offer a selection of statues inspired by Greek mythology, which not only enhances the garden’s aesthetic but also imbues it with a sense of history and culture. These statues, ranging from figures of gods and goddesses to mythological creatures, add a classical dimension to the garden, reminiscent of ancient Greek and Roman landscapes. Sundials are not only functional timepieces but also historical artefacts that have been used in gardens since antiquity. Stone & Water World stocks a variety of sundials, each crafted to offer precision and style. Positioning a sundial in your garden provides a conversation piece that is both practical and enchanting.




Highlighting Stone and Pebble Elements

  • Euro White Pebble: For a touch of Grecian elegance, integrate Euro White Pebbles into your garden. These clean white pebbles sparkle beautifully in the sunlight, reminiscent of the bright, sunlit pebble beaches found along the Mediterranean coast. They are perfect for pot plant decor or as a top dressing around Mediterranean plants like lavender and rosemary, enhancing drainage while adding a decorative finish. The reflective quality of these pebbles can also brighten up shaded areas and make smaller spaces appear larger.

  • Using Stone and Pebbles to Enhance Garden Features: Stone pathways and walls create a sturdy, heat-reflective structure essential for a Mediterranean-inspired garden. By integrating Euro Pavers and Split Paving, you can achieve both functionality and aesthetic appeal. The unique colours of these pavers provide a stunning contrast against the neutral tones of traditional Mediterranean architecture, making your garden pathways not only practical but also visually appealing. Pebbles, particularly the Euro White Pebble, offer an excellent solution for areas where you want low maintenance yet stylish ground cover. They help to retain moisture in the soil, reduce weed growth, and are incredibly durable against weather changes. Arrange these pebbles around water features to enhance the tranquil Mediterranean vibe or use them to create a crisp, clean look around your patio.


With thoughtful planning and design, you can successfully incorporate elements of Mediterranean gardening into your New Zealand garden. Focus on selecting the right plants, constructing durable garden structures, and adding appropriate decorative accents to create your own lush Mediterranean oasis.


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